Minu George, Erika R. E. Denton, and Reyer Zwiggelaar
Breast cancer continues to be the most common type of cancer among women.
Early detection of breast cancer is key to effective treatment. The
presence of clusters of fine, granular microcalcifications in
mammographic images can be a primary sign of breast cancer. The
malignancy of any cluster of microcalcification cannot be reliably
determined by radiologists from mammographic images and need to be
assessed through histology images. In this paper, a novel method of
mammographic microcalcification classification is described using the
local topological structure of microcalcifications. Unlike the
statistical and texture features of microcalcifications, the proposed
method focuses on the number of microcalcifications in local clusters,
the distance between them, and the number of clusters. The initial
evaluation on the Digital Database for Screening Mammography (DDSM)
database shows promising results with 86% accuracy and findings which are
in line with clinical perception of benign and malignant morphological
appearance of microcalcification clusters.
Combining Accumulated Frame Differencing and Corner Detection for Motion
Detecting and tracking people in a meeting room is very important for
many applications. In order to detect people in a meeting room with no
prior knowledge (e.g. background model) and regardless of whether their
motion is slow or significant, this paper proposes a coarse-to-fine
people detection algorithm by combining a novel motion detection process,
namely, adaptive accumulated frame differencing (AAFD) combined with
corner features. Firstly, the region of movement is extracted adaptively
using AAFD, then motion corner features are extracted. Finally, the
minimum area rectangle fitting these corners is found. The proposed
algorithm is evaluated using the AMI meeting data set and this indicates
promising results for people detection.
Groupwise Non-rigid Image Alignment With Graph-based Initialisation
Ahmad Aal-Yhia, Paul Malcolm, Otar Akanyeti, Reyer Zwiggelaar, and
Bernard Tiddeman
Groupwise image alignment automatically provides non-rigid registration
across a set of images. It has found applications in facial image
analysis and medical image analysis by automatically generating
statistical models of shape and appearance. The main approaches used
previously include iterative and graph-based approaches. In iterative
approaches, the registration of each image is iteratively updated to
minimise an error measure across the set. Various metrics and
optimisation strategies have been proposed to achieve this. Graph-based
methods perform registration of each pair of images in the set, to form a
weighted graph of the ''distance'' between all the images, and then finds
the optimal paths between the most central image and every other image.
In this paper, we use a graph-based approach to perform initialisation,
which is then refined with an iterative approach. Pairwise registration
is performed using demons registration, then shortest paths identified in
the resulting graph are used to provide an initial warp for each image by
concatenating warps along the path. The warps are refined using an
iterative Levenberg-Marquardt minimisation to the mean, based on updating
the locations of a small number of points and incorporating a stiffness
constraint. This optimisation approach is efficient, has very few free
parameters to tune and we show how to tune the few remaining parameters.
We compare the combined approach to both the iterative and graph-based
approaches used independently. Results demonstrate that the combined
method improves the alignment of various datasets, including two face
datasets and a difficult medical dataset of prostate MRI images.
A Deep Learning Approach to No-Reference Image Quality Assessment For
Monte Carlo Rendered Images
In Full-Reference Image Quality Assessment (FR-IQA) images are compared
with ground truth images that are known to be of high visual quality.
These metrics are utilized in order to rank algorithms under test on
their image quality performance. Throughout the progress of Monte Carlo
rendering processes we often wish to determine whether images being
rendered are of sufficient visual quality, without the availability of a
ground truth image. In such cases FR-IQA metrics are not applicable and
we instead must utilise No-Reference Image Quality Assessment (NR-IQA)
measures to make predictions about the perceived quality of unconverged
images. In this work we propose a deep learning approach to NR-IQA,
trained specifically on noise from Monte Carlo rendering processes, which
significantly outperforms existing NR-IQA methods and can produce quality
predictions consistent with FR-IQA measures that have access to ground
truth images.
Keys-to-Sim: Transferring Hand-Crafted Key-framed Animations to Simulated
Figures using Wide Band Stochastic Trajectory Optimization
The vision of fully simulating characters and their environments has the
potential to offer rich interactions between characters and objects in
the virtual world. However, this introduces a challenging problem similar
to controlling robotic figures: computing the necessary torques to
perform a given task. In this paper, we address the problem of
transferring hand-crafted kinematic motions to a fully simulated figure,
by computing open-loop controls necessary to reproduce the target motion.
One key ingredient to successful control is the mechanical feasibility of
the target motion. While several methods have been successful at
replicating human captured motion, there has not yet been a method
capable of handling the case of artist-authored key-framed movements that
can violate the laws of physics or go beyond the mechanical limits of the
character. Due to the curse of dimensionality, sampling-based
optimization methods typically restrict the search to a narrow band which
limits exploration of feasible motions—resulting in a failure to
reproduce the desired motion when a large deviation is required. In this
paper, we solve this problem by combining a window-based breakdown of the
controls on the temporal dimension, together with a global wide search
strategy that keeps locally sub-optimal samples throughout the
We introduce Shadow Retargeting which maps real shadow appearance to
virtual shadows given a corresponding deformation of scene geometry, such
that appearance is seamlessly maintained. By performing virtual shadow
reconstruction from un-occluded real shadow samples observed in the
camera frame, we recover the deformed shadow appearance efficiently. Our
method uses geometry priors for the shadow casting object and a planar
receiver surface. Inspired by image retargeting approaches [VTP10] we
describe a novel local search strategy, steered by importance based
deformed shadow estimation. Results are presented on a range of objects,
deformations and illumination conditions in real-time Augmented Reality
(AR) on a mobile device. We demonstrate the practical application of the
method in generating otherwise laborious in-betweening frames for 3D
printed stop motion animation.
Abstract In this paper, a novel solution is provided for the sticky lip
problem in computer facial animation, recreating the way the lips stick
together when drawn apart in speech or in the formation of facial
expressions. Traditional approaches to modelling this rely on an artist
estimating the correct behaviour. In contrast, this paper presents a
physically-based model. The mouth is modelled using the total Lagrangian
explicit dynamics finite element method, with a new breaking element
modelling the saliva between the lips. With this approach, subtle yet
complex behaviours are recreated implicitly, giving rise to more
realistic movements of the lips. The model is capable of reproducing
varying degrees of stickiness between the lips, as well as asymmetric
Analyses of large 3D particle datasets typically involve many different
exploration and visualization steps. Interactive exploration techniques
are essential to reveal and select interesting subsets like clusters or
other sophisticated structures. State-of-the-art techniques allow for
context-aware selections that can be refined dynamically. However, these
techniques require large amounts of memory and have high computational
complexity which heavily limits their applicability to large datasets. We
propose a novel, massively parallel particle selection method that is
easy to implement and has a processing complexity of O(n*k) (where n is
the number of particles and k the maximum number of neighbors per
particle) and requires only O(n) memory. Furthermore, our algorithm is
designed for GPUs and performs a selection step in several milliseconds
while still being able to achieve high-quality results.
Visualization I
GPU-Assisted Scatterplots for Millions of Call Events
Dylan Rees, Richard C. Roberts, Robert S. Laramee, Paul Brookes, Tony
D'Cruze, and Gary A. Smith
With four percent of the working population employed in call centers in
both the United States and the UK, the contact center industry represents
a sizable proportion of modern industrial landscapes. As with most modern
industries, data collection is de rigueur, producing gigabytes of call
records that require analysis. The scatterplot is a well established and
understood form of data visualization dating back to the 17th century. In
this paper we present an application for visualizing large call centre
data sets using hardware-accelerated scatterplots. The application
utilizes a commodity graphics card to enable visualization of a month's
worth of data, enabling fast filtering of multiple attributes. Filtering
is implemented using the Open Computing Language (OpenCL), providing
significant performance improvement over traditional methods. We
demonstrate the value of our application for exploration and analysis of
millions of call events from a real-world industry partner. Domain expert
feedback from our industrial partners is reported.
RiverState: A Visual Metaphor Representing Millions of Time-Oriented
State Transitions
Richard C. Roberts, Dylan Rees, Robert S. Laramee, Paul Brookes, and Gary A.
Developing a positive relationship between a business and its customers
is vital to success. The outcome of any customer interaction can
determine future patronage of the business. Many industry's only point of
interaction with their customers is through a contact centre where
everything from sales to complaints are handled. This places tremendous
importance on the operational efficiency of the contact centre and the
level of care provided to the customers. These customer interactions are
recorded and archived in large databases, but undertaking insightful
analysis is challenging due to both the size and complexity of the data.
We present a visual solution to the tracking of customer interactions at
a large scale. RiverState visualises the collective flow of callers
through the process of interacting with a contact centre using a river
metaphor. We use finite state transition machines with customised edges
to depict millions of events and the states callers go through to
complete their journey. We implement a range of novel features to enhance
the analytical qualities of the application, and collect feedback from
domain experts to analyse and evaluate the use of the software.
Towards a Survey of Interactive Visualization for Education
Graphic design and visualization are becoming fundamental components of
education. The use of advanced visual design in pedagogy is growing and
evolving rapidly. One of their aims is to enhance the educational process
by facilitating better understanding of the subject with the use of
graphical representation methods. Research papers in this field offer
important opportunities to examine previously completed experiments and
extract useful educational outcomes. This paper analyzes and classifies
pedagogical visualization research papers to increase understanding in
this area. To our knowledge, this is the first (work-in-progress) survey
paper on advanced visualization for education. We categorize related
research papers into original subject groups that enable researchers to
compare related literature. Our novel classification enables researchers
to find both mature and unexplored directions which can inform directions
for future work. This paper serves as a valuable resource for both
beginners and experienced researchers who are interested in interactive
visualization for education.
Short Papers
Image Inpainting for High-Resolution Textures using CNN Texture Synthesis
Pascal Laube, Michael Grunwald, Matthias O. Franz, and Georg Umlauf
Deep neural networks have been successfully applied to problems such as
image segmentation, image super-resolution, coloration and image
inpainting. In this work we propose the use of convolutional neural
networks (CNN) for image inpainting of large regions in high-resolution
textures. Due to limited computational resources processing
high-resolution images with neural networks is still an open problem.
Existing methods separate inpainting of global structure and the transfer
of details, which leads to blurry results and loss of global coherence in
the detail transfer step. Based on advances in texture synthesis using
CNNs we propose patch-based image inpainting by a CNN that is able to
optimize for global as well as detail texture statistics. Our method is
capable of filling large inpainting regions, oftentimes exceeding the
quality of comparable methods for high-resolution images. For reference
patch look-up we propose to use the same summary statistics that are used
in the inpainting process.
Segmenting Teeth from Volumetric CT Data with a Hierarchical CNN-based
Philipp Marten Macho, Nadja Kurz, Adrian Ulges, Robert Brylka, Thomas
Gietzen, and Ulrich Schwanecke
This paper addresses the automatic segmentation of teeth in volumetric
Computed Tomography (CT) scans of the human skull. Our approach is based
on a convolutional neural network employing 3D volumetric convolutions.
To tackle data scale issues, we apply a hierarchical coarse-to fine
approach combining two CNNs, one for low-resolution detection and one for
highresolution refinement. In quantitative experiments on 40 CT scans
with manually acquired ground truth, we demonstrate that our approach
displays remarkable robustness across different patients and device
vendors. Furthermore, our hierarchical extension outperforms a
single-scale segmentation, and network size can be reduced compared to
previous architectures without loss of accuracy.
Voronoi tree maps are an important milestone in information
visualization, representing a substantial advancement of the original
tree maps concept. We address a less-studied variant of Voronoi tree maps
that uses multiplicative-weighted Voronoi diagrams. We highlight the
merits of this variant, and discuss the difficulties that might have
discouraged further exploration, proposing insights for overcoming these
Single ImageWatermark Retrieval from 3D Printed Surfaces via
Convolutional Neural Networks
In this paper we propose and analyse a method for watermarking 3D printed
objects, concentrating on the watermark retrieval problem. The method
embeds the watermark in a planar region of the 3D printed object in the
form of small semi-spherical or cubic bumps arranged at the nodes of a
regular grid. The watermark is extracted from a single image of the
watermarked planar region through a Convolutional Neural Network.
Experiments with 3D printed objects, produced by filaments of various
colours, show that in most cases the retrieval method has a high accuracy
Evolutionary Interactive Analysis of MRI Gastric Images Using a
Multiobjective Cooperative-coevolution Scheme
Shatha F. Al-Maliki, Évelyne Lutton, François Boué,
and Franck P. Vidal
In this study, we combine computer vision and visualisation/data
exploration to analyse magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data and detect
garden peas inside the stomach. It is a preliminary objective of a larger
project that aims to understand the kinetics of gastric emptying. We
propose to perform the image analysis task as a multi-objective
optimisation. A set of 7 equally important objectives are proposed to
characterise peas. We rely on a cooperation co-evolution algorithm called
'Fly Algorithm' implemented using NSGA-II. The Fly Algorithm is a
specific case of the 'Parisian Approach' where the solution of an
optimisation problem is represented as a set of individuals (e.g. the
whole population) instead of a single individual (the best one) as in
typical evolutionary algorithms (EAs). NSGA-II is a popular EA used to
solve multi-objective optimisation problems. The output of the
optimisation is a succession of datasets that progressively approximate
the Pareto front, which needs to be understood and explored by the
end-user. Using interactive Information Visualisation (InfoVis) and
clustering techniques, peas are then semi-automatically segmented.
Cartograms are a popular and useful technique for depicting geo-spatial
data. Dorling style and rectangular cartograms are very good for
facilitating comparisons between unit areas. Each unit area is
represented by the same shape such as a circle or rectangle, and the
uniformity in shapes facilitates comparative judgment. However, the
layout of these more abstract shapes may also simultaneously reduce the
map's legibility and increase error. When we integrate univariate data
into a cartogram, the recognizability of cartogram may be reduced. There
is a trade-off between information recognition and geo-information
accuracy. This is the inspiration behind the work we present. We attempt
to increase the map's recognizability and reduce error by introducing
topological features into the cartographic map. Our goal is to include
topological features such as a river in a Dorling-style or rectangular
cartogram to make the visual layout more recognizable, increase map
cognition and reduce geospatial error. We believe that compared to the
standard Dorling and rectangular style cartogram, adding topological
features provides familiar geo-spatial cues and flexibility to enhance
the recognizability of a cartogram.
Spectrum: A C++ Header Library for Colour Map Management
Richard C. Roberts, Liam McNabb, Naif AlHarbi, and Robert S. Laramee
The use of colour mapping is fundamental to visualisation research. It
acts as an additional layer beyond rendering in the spatial dimensions
and provides a link between values in any dataset. When designing and
building visualisation research software, the process of creating and
managing a colour mapping system can be time-consuming and complex.
Existing alternatives offer niche features and require complex
dependencies or installations. We present Spectrum; an open source colour
map management library that is developer friendly with no installation
required, and that offers a wide variety of features for the majority of
use cases. We demonstrate the utility of the library through simple
snippets of code and a number of examples which illustrate its ease of
use and functionality, as well as a video demonstrating the installation
and use of the library in under two minutes. It is a very valuable
jump-start tool for developers and researchers who need to focus on other
SoS TextVis: A Survey of Surveys on Text Visualization
Text visualization is a rapidly growing sub-field of information
visualization and visual analytics. There are many approaches and
techniques introduced every year to address a wide range of tasks and
enable researchers from different disciplines to obtain leading-edge
knowledge from digitized collections. This can be challenging
particularly when the data is massive. Additionally, the sources of
digital text have spread substantially in the last decades in various
forms, such as web pages, blogs, twitter, email, electronic publications,
and books. In response to the explosion of text visualization research
literature, the first survey article was published in 2010. Furthermore,
there are a growing number of surveys that review existing techniques and
classify them based on text research methodology. In this work, we aim to
present the first Survey of Surveys (SoS) that review all of the survey
and state-of-the-art papers on text visualization techniques and provide
an SoS classification. We study and compare the surveys, and categorize
them into 5 groups: (1) document-centered, (2) user task analysis, (3)
cross-disciplinary, (4) multifaceted, and (5) satellite-themed. We
provide survey recommendations for researchers in the field of text
visualization. The result is a very unique, valuable starting point and
overview of the current state-of-the-art in text visualization research
Visualization III and VR
Knowledge-based Discovery of Transportation Object Properties by Fusing
Multi-modal GIS Data
3D models of transportation objects like a road, bridge, underpass, etc.
are required in many domains including military training, land
development, etc. While remote sensed images and LiDaR data can be used
to create approximate 3D representations, detailed 3D representations are
difficult to create automatically. Instead, interactive tools are used
with rather laborious effort. For example, the top commercial interactive
model generator we tried required 94 parameters in all for different
bridge types. In this paper, we take a different path.We automatically
derive these parameter values from GIS (Geographic Information Systems)
data, which normally contains detailed information of these objects, but
often only implicitly. The framework presented here transforms GIS data
into a knowledge base consisting of assertions. Spatial/numeric relations
are handled through plug-ins called property extractors whose results get
added to the knowledge base, used by a reasoning engine to infer object
properties. A number of properties have to be extracted from images, and
are dependent on the accuracy of computer vision methods. While a
comprehensive property extractor mechanism is work in progress, . a
prototype implementation illustrates our framework for bridges with GIS
data from the real world. To the best of our knowledge, our framework is
the first to integrate knowledge inference and uncertainty for extracting
landscape object properties by fusing facts from multi-modal GIS data
When Size Matters: Towards Evaluating Perceivability of Choropleths
Choropleth maps are an invaluable visualization type for mapping
geo-spatial data. One advantage to a choropleth map over other geospatial
visualizations such as cartograms is the familiarity of a non-distorted
landmass. However, this causes challenges when an area becomes too small
in order to accurately perceive the underlying color. When does size
matter in a choropleth map? We conduct an experiment to verify the
relationship between choropleth maps, their underlying color map, and a
user's perceivability. We do this by testing a user's perception of color
relative to an administrative area's size within a choropleth map, as
well as user-preference of fixed-locale maps with enforced minimum areas.
Based on this initial experiment we can make the first recommendations
with respect to a unit area's minimum size in order to be perceivably
Virtual Reality: A Literature Review and Metrics-based Classification
This paper presents a multi-disciplinary overview of research evaluating
virtual reality (VR). The main aim is to review and classify VR research
based on several metrics: presence and immersion, navigation and
interaction, knowledge improvement, performance and usability. With the
continuous development and consumerisation of VR, several application
domains have studied the impact of VR as an enhanced alternative
environment for performing tasks. However, VR experiment results often
cannot be generalised but require specific datasets and tasks suited to
each domain. This review and classification of VR metrics presents an
alternative metrics-based view of VR experiments and research.