Mohammad Alharbi and Robert S. Laramee
Text visualization is a rapidly growing sub-field of information
visualization and visual analytics. There are many approaches and
techniques introduced every year to address a wide range of tasks and
enable researchers from different disciplines to obtain leading-edge
knowledge from digitized collections. This can be challenging
particularly when the data is massive. Additionally, the sources of
digital text have spread substantially in the last decades in various
forms, such as web pages, blogs, twitter, email, electronic publications,
and books. In response to the explosion of text visualization research
literature, the first survey article was published in 2010. Furthermore,
there are a growing number of surveys that review existing techniques and
classify them based on text research methodology. In this work, we aim to
present the first Survey of Surveys (SoS) that review all of the survey
and state-of-the-art papers on text visualization techniques and provide
an SoS classification. We study and compare the surveys, and categorize
them into 5 groups: (1) document-centered, (2) user task analysis, (3)
cross-disciplinary, (4) multifaceted, and (5) satellite-themed. We
provide survey recommendations for researchers in the field of text
visualization. The result is a very unique, valuable starting point and
overview of the current state-of-the-art in text visualization research
full paper