Computer Graphics and Visual Computing (CGVC) 2018

pp. 91 - 101

Towards a Survey of Interactive Visualization for Education

Elif E. Fırat and Robert S. Laramee


Graphic design and visualization are becoming fundamental components of education. The use of advanced visual design in pedagogy is growing and evolving rapidly. One of their aims is to enhance the educational process by facilitating better understanding of the subject with the use of graphical representation methods. Research papers in this field offer important opportunities to examine previously completed experiments and extract useful educational outcomes. This paper analyzes and classifies pedagogical visualization research papers to increase understanding in this area. To our knowledge, this is the first (work-in-progress) survey paper on advanced visualization for education. We categorize related research papers into original subject groups that enable researchers to compare related literature. Our novel classification enables researchers to find both mature and unexplored directions which can inform directions for future work. This paper serves as a valuable resource for both beginners and experienced researchers who are interested in interactive visualization for education.

CCS Concepts: General and reference --> Surveys and overviews; Applied computing --> Interactive learning environments; Humancentered computing --> Visualization design and evaluation methods

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