CGVC Poster (p)Re-Cycling

We encourage all participants to bring a poster to CGVC 2024 as part of our Poster (p)Re-Cycling initiative.

Bring your favourite research poster and we will display it at the conference so that participants can learn about what you have been up to and what you have presented elsewhere, or plan to present in the future.

If you have a poster accepted at CGVC 2024, fine - that will do the trick!

If not, then bring one anyway …

  • if you are going to take a poster to a conference in the future (VIS 24? VR?) - bring a draft, get feedback for free!
  • if you have used a poster somewhere else (EUROVIS? EUROGRAPHICS? VIS 23? VIS 22?), dig it out, bring it along, use it again - choose your favourite - scientific posters only please!

We hope to see everybody show up with a cardboard tube containing an interesting visual account of some computer graphics or visual computing research.

We will provide wallspace and sticky stuff.

You provide an interesting conversation piece.

CVCG 2024 is on 12th and 13th September 2024, two days of computer graphics and visual computing fun at City, University of London.