Call for Papers
CGVC 2024, hosted by City, University of London, UK, is the 42nd annual computer graphics, visualization, and visual computing conference organized by the Eurographics UK Chapter. The objective of Computer Graphics & Visual Computing (CGVC) is to foster greater exchange between visual computing researchers and practitioners, to welcome more researchers and industry partners in the UK, Europe, and beyond into this rapidly growing area of research. CGVC's scope encompasses all areas of visual computing (full list here). Bringing together researchers and practitioners from complementary visual computing research areas, this conference promotes the visibility of technical and theoretical advances in the field to achieve real-world impact.
We welcome contributions in the form of full papers, short papers and posters. Submissions are optionally single- or double-blind: authors may choose whether to anonymize their submission or not. Reviewers' identities are not revealed.
Important Dates
Submission Deadline: | |
submissions closed | |
Decisions Available: | 24 July 2024 | programme complete. | |
Camera Ready: | 28 August 2024 | complete | |
Registration Deadline: | 06 September 2024 | register here | |
Conference: | 12-13 September 2024 |
Full Papers
A full paper submission is up to 8 pages describing completed research, plus 1 page of references. They will be peer-reviewed by the Programme Committee. Accepted papers will appear in the Eurographics digital library and will serve as full paper publications.
Some papers that are not accepted may be invited to present the work as a poster with no additional review process.
Short Papers
Short papers are for presenting late-breaking results, work-in -progress, and follow-up extensions or evaluations of existing methods. They will be peer-reviewed by the Programme Committee. Accepted papers will be electronically archived and are fully citable publications. Submissions for the short paper track should be at most 4 pages, with an additional page allowed for references.
Some papers that are not accepted may be invited to present the work as a poster with no additional review process.
Posters are for presenting late-breaking results, work in progress, and follow-up extensions or evaluations of existing methods. In particular, it provides young researchers, especially postgraduate students, with valuable opportunities to receive feedback from other researchers, and engage in stimulating discussions. We solicit poster submissions in the form of an extended abstract of at most 2 pages (with an additional page allowed for references only). They will be peer-reviewed by the Programme Committee. If accepted, you would bring along your posters (A1 size recommended) to present at the poster viewing session.
Traditionally, the materials in a poster/sketch can be reused later by the original authors for a more extensive publication (i.e., a full paper) with more detailed content and mature results. However, as posters/sketches are citable, researchers are encouraged to acknowledge novel ideas and results presented in posters/sketches. A poster may describe a piece of work in any aspect of visual computing. For posters, we particularly encourage a summary report of collaborative projects, work-in-progress, and application case studies.
Accepted abstracts do not appear in the Eurographics digital library. An extended abstract and industrial project abstract are not considered as a paper publication, instead being similar to a SIGGRAPH one‐page sketch or to a conference poster without an associated paper. As such, presenting an extended abstract at this conference has no effect on your ability to publish a fuller version of the same work in another venue.
This year, we particularly welcome submissions on:
- Geographical visualisation
- Visual analytics
- Visualisation for social good
We also welcome topics including (but are not limited to):

City, University of London, UK.
Conference Committee
- Maiz Elshehaly, Conference Chair City, University of London
- Aidan Slingsby, Programme Chair City, University of London
- David Hunter, Programme Chair Aberystwyth University