Submission Guidelines 

We welcome full paper, short paper and poster (extended abstract) submissions to CGVC2025.

1. Formatting your paper

Please use the LaTeX template and the EGauthorGuidelines-CGVC2025-sub.tex file within for your initial submission.

Prepare your submission as a PDF file. You can also include material in other media such as applets and video. Note however that the camera-ready paper that is to appear in the proceedings must be PDF only. Please make sure that any images embedded in your paper do not contain transparent pixels (that is, an alpha channel of a transparent colour) because this will lead to problems when the resulting PDF is displayed.

Please follow the standard layout for EGUK publications. Details are in the LaTeX template (above) in EGauthorGuidelines-CGVC2025-sub.pdf.

2. Submit your paper for review

There are three submission streams:

Short Papers - a short paper of up to 4 pages, demonstrating research, implementations and/or product development. Short papers will be presented at the conference site as 15 minute presentations, during a dedicated short paper session.

Posters - Your extended abstract for your poster must be at most 2 pages, with 1 additional page allowed for references. An extended abstract can describe work in progress, interim results, industrial work, or research presented more fully elsewhere. Extended abstracts will be refereed by a panel drawn from the EGUK programme committee. Authors of accepted abstracts will be expected to give a poster presentation at the conference.

Full papers - a paper of 4 to 8 pages, plus references, describing completed research. Papers will be refereed by members of the EGUK programme committee. Authors of accepted papers will be expected to give a 20 minute presentation at the conference.

For further information see the call for contributions.

Start Submission

3. If your paper is accepted

Authors of papers approved for publication should read the reviewers comments, update and correct their paper from the reviewers comments, and submit a final version (a camera ready copy) to the conference management tool.

Final papers should use EGauthorGuidelines-CGVC2025-fin_with_teaser.tex or EGauthorGuidelines-CGVC2025-fin.tex from the LaTeX template.

Make sure your paper is formatted using the correct template, which makes correct reference to this year's editors.

4. Copyright form

Authors of papers approved for publication will be required to complete and return this Eurographics copyright assignment form. Authors are requested to complete the form and to upload a scanned-in copy directly to the submission system.